Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Furutech specializes in the manufacture of high quality audio video connectors and AC power outlets. Furutech uses only premium, space age metals like high purity OCC oxygen-free copper and rhodium for ultimate noise reduction in AC delivery. The quality of AC power outlets and wall plates can greatly affect fidelity of audio and video components. Many engineers agree that quality starts at the power coming from the wall. All contractor-grade electrical outlets and wall plates introduce noise and reduce current to audio video equipment, thus causing degradation in fidelity. Furutech is fanatical about improving power delivery for the purpose of improving performance – this is by far the best "bang-for-the-buck tweek” for your audio visual system. Furutech’s passionate design team aims to produce the best products possible, all with the aim of providing pure transmission of image and sound.